Short Messaging Service or SMS has grown in popularity and is being increasingly used as an advertising tool. SMS marketing allows the user to send bulk messages easily and quickly to various groups of people.

Short Code Service
A short code service is a form of SMS marketing, the basic function of which is lead generation. It is also used for getting feedback about a product or service from the customer. In this method each company who wants to enjoy a short code service will be provided with a keyword. The provided keyword will act as a unique reference to the company. Whenever any SMS is sent to a predefined number such as 58888, which starts with that particular keyword, then that message will be forwarded to the company's panel. This facility enables a company to send auto replies and even get the messages forwarded to the company's website.

Long code service
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A Long code on the other hand is the process of handing out an 8 digit number to the company that wishes to send bulk SMS. This number would be easily recallable and would work across multiple service providers. The other features of this facility are similar to short code service.

It's now possible to find reliable and affordable bulk SMS software providers who offer the customers the above mentioned short and long code services. There are many benefits a company can get by way of buying such advanced SMS software. A user can avail unlimited number of keywords and can get complete MIS. Also the company can change the auto replies set for a particular keyword any number of times. By means of sending an auto reply the company gets the benefit of sending a free SMS for every message it receives.

Bulk SMS Services On request, the messages received by you can also be transferred to your URL. Advanced technology SMS software designed primarily for customer benefits also allow you to send your ad message only to the right sort of audience. There is no shooting in the dark and your ad will directly reach the target audience. An experienced service provider will scrutinise your ad content and match those with their database, stressing on items such as geography demography, areas of interest and sometimes even the type of mobile instruments they use. Thus you can be well assured that your message will directly go to the inbox of receivers who might be interested in your products and services.

SMS is a simple but extremely powerful messaging protocol. Over a number of years the SMS industry and the range of applications available to companies has increased exponentially. As a result, the number of SMS providers offering corporate grade SMS solutions and platforms has also increased.
Due to the explosive growth the once simple task of choosing an SMS provider has become an increasingly complex process. Entering simple key phrases into the search engines for "SMS in Bulk", "SMS API" or even "Send SMS using Outlook" returns thousands of results from competing businesses all of whom claim to be the best in the market

The aim of this article is to make the task of finding a SMS provider manageable by offering you a set of questions to ask yourself before signing with a company.

Step 1:

Define exactly what a SMS provider is:
An SMS service provider is a company which provides SMS messaging services, but is not in itself a mobile network operator (MNO). SMS providers are commonly called aggregators.

The way in which an aggregator operates is that it will create multiple agreements with mobile network operators to send and receive data in and out of the MNO's SMS Centre (SMSC). Aggregators can guarantee the delivery of the SMS up until it reaches the SMSC, once it has passed to the SMSC it is out of the aggregator's control.

Aggregators are able to offer excellent network coverage, create different pricing plans for message delivery, offer increased flexibility for clients and ensure quality levels are met.
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Step 2:

Start the purchase process by asking the correct questions:
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1. Does the SMS provider have good network coverage?

SMS providers should be able to provide you with a detailed listing of their network coverage, moving from local MNO's to international destinations. If the information is not available on their websites it should be available upon request.

2. How many credits does it cost to send a message?
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Majority of SMS providers will quote their services and billing system on a credit basis. This functions where a 160 character message will cost one credit. If you exceed the 160 character limit the message will take 2 credits and so forth.However, it is extremely important to note that delivery of a 160 character SMS to an international destination could result in a higher charge than one credit i.e. sending a SMS from South Africa to the United Kingdom could cost 1.3 credits.
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3. What is the SMS provider's network quality like?

The question needs to be asked whether the SMS Providers gateway is a reliable platform. Before paying for a service you need to ensure that the messages you will be sending will deliver to your recipients without incident or delay. Network quality goes hand in hand with "Price of service" and "Service Level Agreement" points listed below.
How to send bulk SMS
4. Does the SMS provider support the protocol you intend to use to send SMS?
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There are a number of ways to send a SMS from your system to the SMS providers gateway for delivery, these include:

HTTP - This is the most commonly supported protocol and is the transmitting of data over the internet.

HTTPS - This is the same as HTTP, however the data is encrypted to ensure that it cannot be read by other parties on the internet

SMTP - The use of email to post data to the SMS gateway

XML over HTTP/HTTPS - An XML file is created containing one or more SMS 's to be delivered. This is a more efficient method of delivering bulk SMS's as a large amount of SMS's can be included in one HTTP post.

SMPP - This is a binary protocol for communicating with SMSC's and is used for managing large volumes of SMS's.
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5. Are you able to test the SMS provider's services before signing a contract?

Before committing to a SMS provider you should be able to test their services to ensure that the system does everything that you want and expect it to do. This also creates an opportunity to rate the level of customer service and after sales support you would receive in the future.

6. Does the SMS provider have fail safes/backup routes for your primary destination networks?

If a SMS provider experiences a problem on their SMS gateway with a delivery route (high traffic volumes, network outage etc) they should be able to seamlessly switch your traffic to a secondary route to ensure uninterrupted delivery of your SMS's.

7. Does the SMS provider specify or guarantee a throughput speed on their SMS gateway?

SMS Providers should be able to provide you with an estimated throughput for SMS delivery. This will allow you to roughly calculate the time required for a bulk SMS campaign to deliver to your client's handsets, thereby empowering you to effectively manage campaigns.

8. Price of the service

At the end of the day price is a necessary concern and a large deciding factor. However you need to determine the value of the service i.e. Basic reliability of the platform - will my message actually be delivered and if so will it be on time? Does the SMS Provider offer delivery reports on sent SMS's (network and handset delivery), will I receive client replies, can I customize the sender ID, will I receive usage reports, am I able to schedule messages for future delivery, can I view usage by time period, user or company? Increased functionality on a SMS providers gateway will incur higher costs as you are receiving a premium service.

9. Has the SMS provider developed their own SMS technology and platforms or are they licensing and reselling products from another organization?

A large number of SMS providers are in fact resellers. As a result they have limited knowledge of the actual technology they are selling together with a lack of industry knowledge. This can lead to poor customer support and poor results with your own SMS campaigns.

10. How long has the SMS provider been operating for?

Due to the rapid growth of the industry there are a large number of companies launching reseller services on a daily basis. The amount of churn within the industry is high as a number of these business cease operation after a short period of time. If you have purchased, or accrued, credits with a company you will lose them, and in turn your investment, when they close.
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11.Does the SMS provider have large corporate clients or a testimonial page on their website?

SMS providers with corporate clients have, in all likelihood, met the due diligence processes that larger organizations impose on their suppliers. As a result they should be able to provide you with a premium service.

12. Does the SMS provider promise a specific 'uptime' on their SMS gateway?

If you are sending time dependent messages you cannot afford to use an unreliable SMS gateway that will either result in your message being delayed or failing.

13. Does the SMS provider offer delivery reports/tracking and reply functionality (two way messaging)?

Accessing delivery reports to view the status of a sent SMS or bulk SMS and then receiving client replies on sent messages is basic functionality that the SMS provider should offer you at no additional charge. These two functions create audit trails for your team and creates an open two way communication channel between your business and your client.

14. How does the SMS provider offer customer support?

Telephonic support is the easiest and fastest way to resolve a problem. Are alternative support methods offered in conjunction will telephonic support? - online help manuals, video tutorials, e-mail support, live chat.

15. Does the SMS provider offer a Service Level Agreement (SLA)?

The presence of a SLA outlines a providers commitment to reliable SMS delivery. The provider should be confident enough in their products and SMS gateway to offer a written reassurance to you.

Channel Mobile is a mobile communication solutions provider based in Cape Town, South Africa. We specialize in developing mobile marketing software solutions and mobile messaging applications.
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We have pioneered the use of SMS as a communication medium for South African SME's and large corporate companies, being the first provider to launch a PC to mobile phone SMS solution for the South African automobile industry. At present we develop, service, maintain and support solutions for over 900 businesses. Our core competencies lie across the bearer services of SMS, Bulk SMS, MMS, WAP Push Messaging, WAP Billing Solutions, Mobile Payment Gateways, Mobile Websites (Mobisites) and Premium Rate SMS. We offer a range of SMS API's for rapid integration to our messaging gateway.

In today's competitive business field, you need to have a consistent interaction with your customers to avoid losing them. There are several ways to interact with your customers such as telephone, email and sms. However, you need to choose the best communication mode that needs to be convenient for your customers. For example, choosing telephone might not be an effective mode of communication as it might irritate your customers during his/her busy schedules, while sms is a reliable and convenient mode of communication as it does not disturbs the customers.

Usually, short messages are delivered to the customer's mobile phone and will be read by the customers during leisure hours. It is estimated that around 90% of text messages are read by the customers before discarding. Short message service also has a higher response rate than usual modes of communication such as television, radio and newspaper.

Nowadays, people often skip usual activities such as reading newspaper as it is time consuming but short messages are usually in a precise form and can be read in a few minutes. Earlier, marketers had to rely on sms service providers to send multiple messages but now thanks to bulk sms software which helps companies and entrepreneurs to gain complete control over their sms marketing campaign. As sms marketing is booming rapidly, sms software is upgraded with advanced features to meet even the unique requirements of companies.

In other modes of communication such as newspaper and media, you might not be able to customize the delivery time according to your needs but it is possible through short message service. For example, if you are selling cosmetic products you can set the delivery time of message as weekends because usually most of the people indulge in shopping during the weekends. This customizable feature will not just enhance your business productivity but will help your customers to grab the special offers in time.

SMS is not just a convincing mode of marketing but it helps to build a stronger customer centric business which is the key to success. Sending messages regarding special offers, discount coupons and launch of new products and services will not just grab the attention of customers but will stimulate them to subscribe for your sms alerts.

Another impressive feature of bulk sms software is that it can be used even by an inexperienced entrepreneurs due to its easy to use interface. As it is reliable and cheaper than other modes of communication, Multiple Short Message Service is gaining recognition throughout the world. So, get access to this impressive marketing tool and stay ahead of your competitors.
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The author of this article has expertise in bulk sms software. The articles on bulk sms reveals the author's knowledge on the same. The author has written many articles on bulk sms india as well.
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SMS marketing is one of the modern marketing strategies to reach out to a larger prospective customer base and advertise. At present, several million text messages are sent and received every single day with more than 95% of the received messages being read in the first four minutes of its reception. Also SMS have a response rate of 28% far better that click through ads (0.11%) and direct mails (2.6%). With its higher response rate and faster turnaround time, sms marketing is proving its worth in today's marketing arena.
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The vast number of mobile users makes it almost impossible to send promotional ads to each individual. That's where bulk SMS comes handy. It is a latest mobile marketing strategy that lets entrepreneurs to send large quantities of sms to thousands of customers using a software.

This software is not just effective but affordable too. That's why marketing professionals are using it often than other modes of advertising. Sending frequnet updates in the form of special offers, discounts and freebies to customers is an effective strategy that builds a stronger customer relationship. However, just sending a SMS would not do any good unless it is rightly phrased and sent at the most opportune moment. Bulk sms software also enables the user to customize the delivery of the messages so that it does not cause any inconvenience to the customer.

Entrepreneurs should not send messages frequently to avoid irritating the customers. Moreover, the prospective customers should not be compelled in any manner to give their mobile numbers away. They may feel duped projecting a negative image of the company. Usage of a simple short code makes your company easily identifiable for the customers. Tell the customers what they tend to get directly in the message which must be relevant to the product offered. Always addressing the customer personally in a short message may not be possible but doing so has its advantages.

Reaching a greater number of people in a fast and cost effective way is the goal of all marketing companies and the bulk SMS being one of the dominant modern marketing strategies provides just that. Sending multiple SMS assures a loyal customer base as they provide the latest and upcoming offers from companies on a routine basis.

SMS marketing is still growing in the marketing arena and is yet to realize its full potential. With the advent of latest marketing strategies, mobile marketing through short messages and codes is likely to get better of e-mail marketing. In today's world, where almost everyone has got a mobile, companies going for SMS marketing can definitely boost their business productivity.
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A growing number of organisations, ranging from schools and universities to councils and businesses are embracing SMS marketing, attracted by its low cost and unobtrusive nature.
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It's an information revelation of sorts; sending bulk SMS messages offers an open rate of over 90%, with the messages being received and read almost instantly after they are sent.

This method of mobile marketing is proving popular because of its many applications. Retailers can use bulk SMS messages to promote their services or products and inform people of promotional offers. Schools and universities use SMS marketing to alert people about school closures or re-scheduled lectures. It's also used by councils and healthcare organisations to remind people about important events such as appointments or elections.

Almost every person who receives the SMS will read it, unlike direct mail or email marketing which many people tend to ignore. Most people take their phones everywhere with them so, unlike other methods of direct marketing, sending bulk SMS messages means you can reach people almost all of the time.

This does present challenges; messages must be limited to 160 characters for each SMS, unless you go with a service provider who can support longer messages. The limited length of SMS messaging means you only have a short space in which to write a clear and concise message.

Because SMS messaging is seen as an unobtrusive and personable method of communication, people tend to react negatively when sent a bulk SMS which they haven't subscribed to. You must ensure that your bulk SMS messaging complies with privacy and data protection rules.

The success of bulk SMS messaging is influenced by the company responsible for delivering the campaign, which is why its important to make an informed decision when choosing a mobile marketing agency. You should always try a demonstration of their service before committing to buy, so you can make sure the software is easy to use and the messages are delivered as promised.

SMS or Short Message Service is now at the forefront of company communications and correspondence; as well as used in promoting services or products. Bulk SMS is simply sending of important messages to a group of individuals who opted to join the SMS group; where messages are sent from laptops or computers to the cell phones of the recipients. In order to send messages, you must subscribe first to the SMS provider's services by paying the required monthly subscription fee.

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Once you are already subscribed, you shall then be given access to their software where you can send text messages. In order to make it easier for you to send information to your target recipients, it is best to check if the interface is user friendly.

Consequently, one of the first things that you need to do is to build the group of recipients of your text messages by inviting them to join. Their approval to join is imperative and you should always remember that; aside from that, never add someone without prior consent to avoid problems ahead.

One way of taking advantage of its benefits for the advancement of your business is to use it in keeping your clients well informed regarding new updates and product promotions and deals that your company is planning to offer; thereby making them fully aware about your exciting deals and discounts in order for them to enjoy the benefits that you extend to them.
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Always remember that you should never abuse it by doing massive advertising of your products which can only backfire and cause damage to your brand or company image; this will also compel members to unsubscribe to your bulk SMS group. However, this is very ideal for informational marketing; giving useful information to your customers that can significantly help build lasting business relationship with them..

As you keep on sending them useful information, your credibility among them shall also be improved; thereby giving you more sales and added income as a result of your bulk SMS activities.
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